How to block unwanted users from your Netflix account

Netflix has never had a very hostile attitude toward using the service accounts of multiple users simultaneously until recently. The company is trying to find solutions to convince more of its fans to make personal, paid accounts, and not to use a single account with other friends. However, probably if you have used a shared account with certain friends, roommates or family members, sometimes you want to be able to limit their access.

Situations in which you would like to limit someone’s access to your Netflix may vary. Maybe you argued with that person, or maybe he didn’t want to pay his subscription. A quick way to limit access to your account is usually to change your password, but there are other more effective ways to ensure that only you have access to your account, especially if the other user doesn’t know your password to log in again. its devices.

First of all, here’s how to find out if someone else is using your account

Access from your browser and log in with your email address and account password
Then choose your profile and click on your profile picture in the upper right corner
Choose the “Account” menu and from the Settings category choose the “Recent device streaming activity” menu
Here’s a list of devices and IPs that Netflix recently accessed. If you do not recognize the devices in the list, it means that someone is accessing your account.


How to restrict access to your Netflix account

If you want to remove your Netflix account from unknown devices, there is the option to deactivate the account on all devices to which it is connected. Before you do that, consider that you will need to log back in to your personal devices (PC, laptop, tablet, phone, smart TV, etc.).

The deactivation process is simple:

Access from your browser and log in with your email address and account password
Then choose your profile and click on your profile picture in the upper right corner
Choose the “Account” menu and from the Settings category choose the “Sign out of all devices” menu

As long as other users do not have access to the account password, they will no longer be able to use it.

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