The entry into force of the new WhatsApp privacy policy, which allows the chat application to transfer customers’ personal data to Facebook, has been postponed again. It was supposed to be active starting May 15, when WhatsApp users who did not accept the new terms of use should have started to see some of the restrictions, but now platform representatives have confirmed that currently, the restrictions will not be activated at the moment.
WhatsApp will not limit the accounts of those who do not accept the new privacy policy
Facebook has clarified that following discussions with several governments around the world and supporters of privacy rights, it has postponed the restrictions within the WhatsApp application:
“Following discussions with various authorities and data privacy experts, we want to clarify that we currently have no plans to limit how WhatsApp works for those who have not yet accepted the new updated policies. Instead, we will continue to remind users from time to time about this update, and we will also remind them when they choose to use relevant optional features, such as communication with businesses that offer and receive support from Facebook. ”
Of course, this situation seems to be only temporary. Previously, the new privacy policy was to come into force in early spring, and then this moment was moved to May. However, it seems that decisions such as the one in Germany, which blocks the transfer of personal data between WhatsApp and Facebook and the situation facing the company in Turkey and India, has led to this new postponement.
However, Facebook will try to resolve these situations on time. Most likely, however, until the legal disputes of WhatsApp on this subject are resolved, users will be able to continue to use the service as before changing usage policies.