Donald Trump’s application has been deleted from the Google Play Store

Donald Trump’s relationship with technology companies, especially social media, is not very good at the moment, after the former American president was blocked from most of the big services of this kind. However, it seems that its online problems are not over, as Google has decided to delete from the Play Store its official application, Trump 2020. This was an application used in the election campaign, but the reason why it was deleted is not was the content within the application.

Trump 2020 was an application used in the election campaign

It seems that those who developed it completely forgot about its existence. After several users reported the app as malfunctioning, Google investigated and came to the same conclusion. The company contacted the software developers who took care of its publication to get their attention, but to no avail. The lack of communication and the unresolved issue led to the final decision to delete the Trump 2020 application from the Google Play Store.

However, this situation is different from the one that led to the deletion of Trump’s accounts on social platforms. Trump’s messages, published in early January around the Washington protests, were seen as inappropriate, as they encouraged violence against his political opponents. Also, the fact that he challenged the validity of the US presidential election in November meant that many of his posts were considered “fake news”.

Parler, an alternative social network to Twitter, which has been courting Donald Trump for some time, has also been “banned” due to a lack of content moderation. Google and Apple deleted the app from their app stores, while Amazon concluded hosting agreements with the company. Recently, Parler returned to the online environment, but with much of the content missing. It is not yet clear if this is just about the problematic content, which led to the delisting of the application and the closure of the servers. Parler servers are now hosted by another company, not Amazon.

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