Taken aback by security experts, the Telegram network has several vulnerabilities that allow it to infect users’ phones.
Following the scandal surrounding the decisions announced by Facebook, regarding accessing the data collected about WhatsApp users for advertising purposes, things seemed to go extremely well for Telegram, the messaging platform increasing its number of users by 25 million in just 72 hours . To make it easier for unsatisfied people to transition from WhatsApp or other rival platforms, Telegram has developed a tool for migrating chat history from other messaging apps.
In an effort to quickly add new features to please newcomers, Telegram administrators have made several mistakes, which can now be exploited in cyber attacks. For example, one of the vulnerabilities discovered is based on the support for animated stickers recently added to the application.
Security vulnerabilities in the Telegram network
In this case we are talking about no less than 13 individual vulnerabilities, identified by a security researcher during a single investigation. The good news is that these errors have already been reported to the company and then fixed.
These vulnerabilities seem to be related to the new features recently added to the mobile app, with insufficient time available for testing allowing bugs to be leaked that may have been discovered on closer inspection. Unfortunately, this means that a potential hacker could have gained access to private messages, pictures and videos stored on the victim’s phone, using a suitable attack vector. However, the reports indicate that the mode of operation would have been extremely complex, not within everyone’s reach.
For an application that prides itself on the argument of unbeatable security, reports of this nature can be extremely harmful.