In the Jimmy Kimmel Live show, actor George Clooney competed with the show’s host, both of whom showed their ability to cut themselves with a special hair clipper, Flowbee.
One of the secrets of the impeccable image of George Clooney is a hair clipper that he has been using for about 25 years. He is already an expert on the Flowbee hair clipper and, in addition to explaining, excitedly, how it works, he demonstrates that he can cut himself at any time, even during a live show.
So, without much introduction, while he was invited to the Jimmy Kimmel Live show, the show’s host brought Clooney a Flowbee camera and the actor got to work right away. The Flowbee attaches to a vacuum cleaner.
“Turn on the vacuum cleaner. Press the button and start walking the device on your hair “, Clooney pointed out, cutting his hair from his temples to the nape of his neck. The show continued with a competition between the actor and the host, the latter also receiving a test device.
Jokes, jokes but also “serious” revelations
The actor also stated that in the 80’s he sent his nurse to buy this device and first asked her to help him. Continuing the fun in the show, the actor also said, through his joking style, what a “house boy” he is. He not only keeps this barber’s talent for himself, but also offers it to family members and also uses a vacuum cleaner, a mop, washing clothes.
“More jokingly, more seriously in family life, especially with twins, you give up the selfishness of taking care only of yourself. And it’s a wonderful feeling that my wife, Amal, and I talk about every day. We are very lucky “, concluded Clooney.
The 2020 project, the movie “The Midnight Sky”
The actor is currently promoting his latest project, the movie “The Midnight Sky”, which will be released on the Netflix platform on December 23.
“The Midnight Sky” is an American SF film directed by Clooney based on the novel “Good Morning, Midnight” by Lily Brooks-Dalton. The story is about a lone Arctic researcher. After a global catastrophe, he tries to contact a team of astronauts to warn them not to return to Earth.